Tuesday, July 4, 2017

5 Common Water Damage Causes in Wisconsin

You must have heard of water damage, especially if you come from Middle West, Wisconsin. Water damage is a very common occurrence in this county. Many homeowners however do not comprehend fully all the basics of water damage and what it entails. They just wake up one morning to find their homes flooded and get into panic mode.

This article will highlight the meaning of water damage, the various classes, the remedies, the prevention measures and the need for water damage restoration Wisconsin experts.

What Is Water Damage?

Water damage refers to a situation whereby losses are incurred as a result of water intruding in areas it was never meant to. For water damage to occur, all needed is drips of water on the wrong area. While a running tap for a couple of hours may cause water damage, so are drips that gradually drop on your wooden floor. In simple terms, water may cease being a blessing when it fails to land on the right places. You might want to be a little bit careful the next time you use your washing machine.

What Are The Categories Of Water Damage?

All water damage is not the same as many would believe. The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) classifies water damage into three categories depending on the kind of water involved. Some categories are more complicated than others, but at the end of the day, restoration cannot be escaped. Water damage restoration solon springs WI does cover for all kind of water damage.

The three classes are Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 which shall be highlighted in details below.

Category 1

Water from this category is listed as the least dangerous. It is usually from clean sources of water. Such sources include rain water, melting snow, broken water supplies, burst water heater, sink overflows and toilet overflows( with no contaminators). While water damage from this category is classified as not toxic, water damage restoration Milwaukee needs to be done as soon as possible. Should this water take long before restoration exercise takes place, the damage may transfer to category 2.

Category 2

Water from this category is slightly harmful to human beings as it contains significant contamination. The sources include water from dishwashers and washing machines; toilet overflows with urine, damaged or broken water beds, overflows from washing machines and broken aquariums. When water from this source gets into contact with the inhabitants of a home, health damages as well as loss of belongings is a high possibility. Water damage needs immediate attention, and this is no different. Passage of time may easily get it to category 3.

Category 3

Water from this source is very contaminated and can lead to fatal illnesses if it comes into contact with the occupants of a home. Sources include flooding from water bodies, sewage leaks, toilet leaks (with feces) and weather driven rains such as the hurricanes. Water from this category usually contains contaminants such as silt, living organisms, feces, pesticides and a whole lot of other toxic materials.

For effective Water Damage Restoration, the level of contamination is really important as this determines the extent of restoration exercise.

Water damage can be quite depressing to homeowners. There are a number of losses that are likely to be experienced leaving homeowners with huge repair bills.  Below are some causes of water damage and the possible losses they are likely to bring across.

1.   Leaking Pipes

Damage from leaking pipes is one of the most common causes of water damage in Wisconsin homes. Pipes may leak due to a number of reasons which include:

Rust: This is likely to affect pipes that have aged or exposed to moisture over a period of time.

Poor workmanship: Piping in a home is a very delicate task that should only be done by qualified experts. Poor workmanship is one of the reasons why water pipes suddenly burst or start leaking.

Temperature change: This is mostly experienced during the winter when pipes freeze. This can cause the pipe to burst.

Clogs: Clogs are quite popular in most homes. There are quite a number of particles and materials that are responsible for this ranging from hair pieces to children toys.

Unregulated water pressure: Water pressure will mostly become a problem when the piping is poorly done.

Leaking pipes usually cause damage associated with category 1. As earlier on stated, this type of water is not contaminated and therefore does not cause health issues. It is however wise for homeowners to take it seriously and have restoration done as soon as possible to avoid the water getting contaminated.
While homeowners have the advantage of seeking help from water damage brookfield experts when misfortune strikes, it is always best preventing the occurrence of such disasters in the first place. There are a number of possible effects that are likely to be caused by leaking pipes which include:

- Water may be of poor quality and contaminate drinking water. This is due to issues such as rust.

- Leaking pipes can lead to increase in water bills due to water wastage that drips from the leaking areas

- Accidents such as fire and slipping for small children are likely.

- Leaking pipes when left for long periods can lead to the growth of molds and mildews which also comes with their own share of problems.

To avoid and/or minimize the above problems, homeowners should take the following steps:

- During winter, frozen pipes should be unfrozen by use of hot water. This eliminates the risk of pipes bursting.

- Any leaks on pipes should be fixed as soon as they are realized.

- When a leak is noticed, it is best if homeowners blocked by turning off from the supply before experts can come to the rescue. This will reduce the risk of damage.

- All piping should be checked by a reputable plumber. This would include checking on the water pressure and how well the pipes can handle it.

- Homeowners should avoid clogging the boreholes by not using the sink as a trash bin or toy box. Any grease and oil should also be disposed elsewhere and not on the sink.

Where possible, homeowners should invest in PVC pipes as they are rust free unlike the copper ones. While this may be difficult for homes already installed with the copper pipes, where renovation for replacement is possible, homeowners should not hesitate.

2.   Roof Leaks

Roof leaks can be an embarrassing and irritating situation. Imagine all the hustles your family would have to go through especially during the rainy seasons. Roof leaks are another common cause of water damage in many homes that Water Removal Specialists deal with. There are a number of causes that lead to roof leaks such as:

- Roof shingles that is broken or missing.
- Ice dam build up.
- Clogged gutters.
- Too much stepping on the roof.
- Cracked chimneys.

Roof leaks can be caused by category 1 water in form of rainwater. It can also be in category 2 when the gutters are full of all sorts of debris which may contaminate the water.

Roof leaks are a common cause of the growth of molds and mildews as evidenced on affected ceilings. You can imagine how heart breaking the sight of a stained ceiling on your beautiful home.

There are several losses and damages to a home that roof leaks are likely to cause which include: 

Roof leaks are likely to damage the beauty of a ceiling. This is simply because the ceiling is nearer to the roof and any leaks on the roof are likely to first get to the ceiling. Ceiling affected by roof leaks can be noticed by patches of wet or stained areas. The ceiling paint may also be darker and bubbles may be seen.

The growth of molds and mildews is also very common in roof leaks issues. This is due to the fact that roof leaks are mostly realized when it is already too late when the roof has already absorbed too much moisture. Molds and mildews should be avoided by all means by any wise homeowner. They are likely to cause much more damage which includes various illnesses. For a homeowner with children and hates the ER, molds should not be seen anywhere near the home.

Home accidents are also likely to happen, especially in a home with very active and playful children. This is likely to happen when the leaks from the roof are too much such that they drip to the floor. This is surely a disaster in waiting.

There is a likelihood of fire damage especially if electrical wirings are on the ceiling. Fire is something no homeowner would wish to be caught in.

- A leak roof destroys the structural beauty of a home. An example is damaged fascia boards.

- Roof leaks usually lead to other damages which may make the homeowner dig deep into his pockets. Having the roof in order is always key.  To prevent the possibility of roof leaks, the following tips should be followed:

- Homeowners should ensure that missing shingles are replaced as soon as they are noticed. Broken shingles as well should be replaced.

- Gutters should be cleared of all debris. This prevents them from clogging which is a common cause of roof leaks.

- Homeowners should ensure that their roofs are checked by roofing experts every once in a while just to ensure there are no risks of damage. This should be done especially before the winter and during snow melts.

- Homes should be structured such that the upper roof gutters do not fall on the lower roofs gutters. This eliminates the possibility of lower roofs leaking.

- While the above measures may be able to save homeowners from possible damage, they should not be taken as sure ways of preventing such leaks.

3.   Snow Melts

We all love and enjoy the period after winter. Winter brings with it a lot of restrictions in terms of how you dress, where you can visit and activities you can do. It usually feels as a great relief when this period is over. There may be reasons however to cut such celebration short. Snow melts unfortunately can be a sad reality, especially to Wisconsin residents who live near water bodies.

Snow melts can happen in the following ways:

During winter, the whole area, both wet and dry is filled with snow. After winter this snow starts melting. The water bodies are usually full of snow which does not melt as fast; hence some ice gets its way to the freeways.

- Snow on the driveway may also get its way to the basement as is slowly melts.

- Any ice near homes may seep into the house through various openings.

- Snow on the roof may clog the gutters as the melting process is never a quick one as homeowners may expect. This is likely to cause damage including the growth of molds and mildews.

- Melting snow requires some hard work from the home occupants to ensure damage is minimized or avoided. Some of the measures that homeowners can take include the following:

- Homeowners should shovel as much ice as possible in areas around the home. This prevents the ice from melting slowly into the house.

- Professionals should be hired to check on the roof and gutters to remove snow on the roof and gutters.

- Homeowners should invest in good pumps and the same should be tested to ensure the basement is safe from any water likely to get its way there.

All drainage in the home should be cleared of all snow to eliminate and/or minimize the risk of water damage to various areas in the home and to avoid clogging as well.

Water Cleanup Company usually has their plates full during snow melts; homeowners who take the above tips however reduce the likelihood of their presence in their homes. These tips would also help homeowners take time to enjoy the snow melts season in better ways.

4.   Basements Build Up

Wisconsin is one area where people greatly value their basements. As fun as they are, they also come with their own share of problems. For instance, basements are the most risky places in any home when it comes to water damage. This is due to the fact that it is the lowest place in the home, and water never needs a door to gain access. Water can penetrate even through the tiniest of cracks.

Basements in Wisconsin homes can have leaks due to a number of causes which include:
- Heavy rainfall.
- Burst pipes.
- Snow melts.
- Foundations that are damaged.
- Clogged or broken gutters.

Ever wondered what homeowners should do once they notice basement leaking? Other than stay depressed and wallow in self pity, the following tips would be helpful:

Homeowners should invest in quality sump pumps to help pump water during flooding situations.
- The sump pumps should be regularly serviced and tested to ensure functionality.
- Sump pumps may fail in case of power surges therefore rendering their presence useless. For this reason, it is advisable for homeowners to invest in generators as well to ensure sump pumps are functioning even during power surges.
- Any cracks noticed on the foundation should be sealed. Professionals should be used to do this and as well check for any other problems with the foundation.
- Homeowners should ensure that all gutters and downspouts direct water away from the home.
All debris on the gutters should be cleared to prevent clogging.
- Homeowners are encouraged to use water proofing materials for basement walls.

Most homeowners store valuables in their basements which is ideally not a very good idea. Homeowners should store such in other safer areas in the home.

In case of flooding danger in the basement, homeowners should move all electrical items from the basement to avoid the risk of fire damage.

No homeowner wishes for misfortunes such as water damage to their basement. It is however not always a guarantee that it may never happen, some conditions such as flooding are completely beyond the control of anyone. When this happens, having a water damage restoration Milwaukee company handle the mess would be a perfect mess to ensure a home is restored back to normalcy.


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